Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Mirror, mirror....

It’s funny how things come around. 


I was talking to a fellow student on the yoga teacher training course and she mentioned that she didn’t mind mirrors in a yoga studio – they help her with alignment.  We chatted about people who are very uncomfortable with them.  Drawing back to being in the dance studio facing the mirrors ALL THE TIME I told her that the key to making friends with mirrors is not seeing the reflection as you but simply as a body in motion.


Didn’t follow my own advice.


I went to a studio that has mirrors along the back wall.  Very easily ignored.  Until….  I was settling into warrior II and looked back to check the alignment of my back arm when I suddenly and very accidently saw myself.  OOOpps!  Who the hell is that fat chick doing yoga?  Ugh.  Self esteem level = zero. 


No more alignment checks.


Throughout the decently challenging class I celebrated my ability to hold plank in any number of variations (on finger tips!  One arm!  One leg!) and I held some strong side plank variations.  I seriously rocked it.




With every self high-five there was the caveat, “even a fat girl can do this.” 


The theme of the class was superheroes.  I need to be my own.